OSC Commands to trigger parts
Leo Bernard
Leo Bernard
That’s a cool idea!
Which functions/urls would you like to have available via OSC?
Currently, AbleSet offers an HTTP API with the following endpoints:
Jump to a specific song or section: http://localhost:3000/api/setlist/jump (with a "time" property sent in the JSON body)
Next Song: http://localhost:3000/api/setlist/jumpBy/1
Prev. Song: http://localhost:3000/api/setlist/jumpBy/-1
Next Section: http://localhost:3000/api/setlist/jumpBySections/1
Prev. Section: http://localhost:3000/api/setlist/jumpBySections/-1
Cued Song: http://localhost:3000/api/setlist/playCued
Enable Loop: http://localhost:3000/api/setlist/enableLoop
Escape Loop: http://localhost:3000/api/setlist/escapeLoop
I could make them available via OSC as well.
Mike Drennan
Leo Bernard: I’m not sure if it would be possible to jump to sections by name, or some other specific index that does not change regardless of where the section lies in the Ableton arrangement.
In GigPerformer, you can have song “parts” which relate to sections. You can program it to send out custom OSC messages when s song part is loaded. Gig Performer can expose both the index of the song part as well as the string name that you set. If there was a way to tie a specific song section in AbleSet to s static OSC url, this could be paired with a GigPeformer song part such that they are always “paired” no matter where the section lies in the arrangement.
I hope that makes sense!
Leo Bernard
Mike Drennan: Hey Mike! This has taken a while, but AbleSet 2 will come with full OSC support including jumping to a section in a song by its position. This isn't publicly available yet, but you can already take a peek at the docs to see if this would suit your use case: https://beta.ableset.app/docs/osc/
Mike Drennan
Leo Bernard: really cool! Looking forward to AbleSet 2!
Mike Drennan
Leo Bernard: Would it be possible to jump to a marker by it's string name in addition to jumping by index? This would allow me to explicitly tie Ableset songs to Gig Performer songs, so long as the song names are identical.
Leo Bernard
Mike Drennan: That should be easy to implement. I'll add it to my todo list.